Parenting doesn't have to be a daily struggle.

You never wanted your parenting and family life to feel this way. You're a good parent, one who works hard to find the best answers and have a great relationship with your child. But no matter how hard you try, it feels like your kid is the only one who prefers their other parent or tells you "NO!" all the time. Other families at the playground look like they've got it all together, and you can't even get your kid to quit hitting.

 Believe it or not, you're not the only one who's struggling. You're not the only one who doesn't know what to say or do to stop the negative and enhance the positive. 

Lynn and the parents in our class truly created an intimate group where we felt open and able to share our struggles as parents. We all had one common goal which was to connect with our children and learn how to navigate parenthood. The time we have with them is very fleeting and I wish that I had discovered Lynn’s course earlier so that I could have been applying these valuable skills to my relationship with my daughter much sooner. Whether you are a single parent, married, or anything in between, this class is priceless and will change the dynamic of the parent-child relationship and how you view your little one.
— S.D., Mom and Parent Class Graduate

Our parenting classes teach you how to help your child open up to you and how to set firm limits without losing your cool. We give you skills that help you read your child's signals and meet their needs, that help you create the relationship that you REALLY want with your child. Along the way, you get the comfort of knowing you're not in it alone, that other families face the same struggles, temper tantrums (kids' and parents'!), and confusion about how to build their child's confidence and foster creativity, self-control, and self-responsibility.

Seeing my daughter try and be proud of her attempt to cut a heart out during our third session of Special Playtime was exactly what she and I needed. I am now able to guide my daughter during her difficult moments instead of lecturing her on what she ‘should’ do.
— S.M., Parent Class Graduate

Research studies have shown that these classes can:

  • Reduce or eliminate behavior problems

  • Enhance the parent-child relationship and marital relationship

  • Develop responsibility and self-control in children

  • Increase children's self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Increase parents' feelings of warmth for their children

We meet virtually on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.*

*evenings and late morning meeting times can be arranged with sufficient parent interest!!

Early bird registration: register for a parent class and pay in full one week or more before the start date of class, and receive a free 30-minute individual parent coaching session as a bonus!

Our Parenting Classes are conducted in 10 weekly, 90-minute sessions, held throughout the year. Class size is limited so we can individualize our approach and answer lots of questions. This is hands down the most effective, fun intervention we do with parents. The atmosphere is friendly and the training is interactive, enjoyable, and interesting!

Signing up is easy. Call (713) 936-0633, put down your deposit, and reserve your spot in the class of your choice.